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Go to Gribade Crater Lake, get the clothes from Gogaerunerk, and bring them back to Germir.

Quest Information[]



Basic Reward[]


After getting the quest, go to the opposite side of the lake to talk to Gogaerunerk. Get the Shugo clothes and return to Germir.


Initial Dialogue[]

"There's something about you, [Player Name]. You're not like the others.
Not everyone would search Gribade Crater Lake for a poor Gerger like me.
I'm wondering...can I trust you?"
1 "As much as I trust myself."
"Maybe. Just maybe.
I just can't...get it myself."
1 "What is it?"
"Well... It's... It's Shugo Clothes. Looking like this, I don't dare leave the village. Not everyone is as understanding as you.
But wearing a disguise, at first glance I'd be just a Shugo, and neither a threat nor a curiosity.
I know how to get them too. If you'll help me again, that is."


"My opinion of you grows by the minute, friend [Player Name].
Some time ago, Gogaerunerk happened by. I asked if he'd obtain the Shugo Clothes for me.
He's already been paid--all you have to do is pick them up. He's usually camped at lake's edge. Tell him "Long-Ears" sent you."
X "Seems simple enough."


"Of course. You probably have other responsibilities.
It was foolish of me to ask. My life is this place.
Perhaps Gogaerunerk will come back this way one day."
X "Perhaps."

Intermediate Dialogue[]

"What, a Daeva? Here?
You don't look like an Archon. Are you hunting Lepharists? One of them stole from me!"
1 "I'm here to pick up a package..."
"Oh the Shugo Clothes? for...Long-Ears, right.
Such a foolish...person. But Kinah is Kinah, yes?
Gogaerunerk gives them to you gladly. Gogaerunerk washes hands of this silliness, nyerk!"
1 "Umm, yeah. Nyerk."

Reward Dialogue[]

"I was not expecting you so soon, [Player Name]! that it? The Shugo Clothes?
Can it be true?"
1 "Here's what you paid for..."
"I've been waiting so long, it's hard to believe they're real.
These look perfect--exactly what I need. Now I can leave...the village.
You have really earned my trust, Daeva. Please, take this. I won't... It's yours."


Germir said that he wanted to leave the village, and asked you to bring Shugo clothes so he could disguise himself. You went to Gribade Crater Lake, got the clothes from Gogaerunerk, and delivered them.
